February 10, 2014


Soggy boards, cold beers, new obstacles, rain scares, countless blunts, chaotic contests, heavy bands, real volcanos, mosh pits, barbeques, product tosses, close encounters, and noise complaints were all just a part of the day.
Austen Gott - Kickflip through the flames from flat.

February 8th, 2014 marked the One Year Anniversary of Skate Fe. We didn't have a clue what we were getting into when we started building this place, but we're amazed how far it's come, and how it's seemingly rejuvenated the Visalia skateboarding scene. Instead of covering every inch of this special occasion [like we very well should have been doing], we just enjoyed the day amidst the chaos. Thanks to everyone that's ever lent us a hand with this place, to all the sponsors and bands that keep these events alive, and to the three-hundred or so odd people make these events so fucking outrageous.

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